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Mark is the co-director of the Institute and a Professor in the Department of Global Health

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Mark Tomlinson

Sarah is the co-director of the Institute and a senior researcher in the Department of Global Health

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Sarah Skeen

Jackie is the director of the Masiphuhlisane Research Centre and leads the development, adaptation and implementation of  interventions run through the Institute.

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Director of Development

Jackie Stewart

Nomabhaso is the Institute's Finance Administrator

Finance Administrator

Nomabhaso Mantyi

Zena leads the Institute's Finance, HR, logistics and administrative functions

Unit Coordinator

Zena Jacobs

Marguerite is the Institute's Research Lead, overseeing the design, implementation and dissemination of the unit's research activities

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Research Lead

Marguerite Marlow

Zanele is a coordinator of the Masiphuhlisane Research Centre in Khayelitsha, coordinating the Institute's community-based research and intervention activities 

Masiphuhlisane Centre Coordinator

Zanele Siqabatiso

Vuyo is a coordinator of the Masiphuhlisane Research Centre in Khayelitsha, coordinating the Institute's community-based research and intervention activities  

Masiphuhlisane Centre Coordinator

Vuyo Notholi
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